Hello everyone,
My name is Dotty, you have probably seen my purrfect little face on here before.
My personality:
I am an independent girl but I also like a fuss, I will spend most of my time snoozing wherever I can find myself comfy. When I’m not snoozing away I love to spend my time roaming around outdoors, I love to explore and follow my humans around to see what they are getting up to. I love to chatter and make the cutest little noises, when I see you I always roll over on my back and make air biscuits, but be warned do not touch my belly it’s just to be looked at.
The humans say I am a princess, which I am. I love to be loved and spoilt by my own family, I have all my toe beans crossed that someone will adopt me very soon.
My ideal home:
I would love a home with someone who is cat-savvy and can read and understand my BIG personality, I would be happiest living with no other pets and if I have to share my home with children I would like them to be aged 16+.
Access to outdoors:
I would love access to outdoors once I have settled in, I currently have free roam of the site here at Rain but I must say I spend 80% of my time snuggled up in the offices.
I am currently toileting outside, but I will use a litter tray.
Did you know:
Black and white cats were first domesticated thousands of years ago, likely in ancient Egypt.
My adoption fee is £25.